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SO what is it we all play Planetside 2 for? Well, to shoot people, kick ass, and  have fun while doing it. With that being said, it's only fun when you run with a group of people who know what they're doing amid all the chaos of the battlefield.
This is what the Platoon Leader Contest is for! This is a CLOSED contest for the TWO super soldiers in our ranks who play smart, play hard, and help get shit done.
First up is Apex! He's known for being an awesome Maxipad that helps us hold down the fort when we're holding points and is a major GOOFBALL.
Second is Shudow! Awesome Engineer, all around smart guy which is why he's also our Intel Officer.
Whoever reaches 12 recruits first will receive the title of Platoon Leader, assuming they accept the conditions listed below required to be a Platoon Leader. When we also say recruits, we mean that. They need to be in the outfit, tagged up and ready to roll with us.
The Path to Leadership
Apex: 5 interviews
Shudow: 0 interviews
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